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#purebeauty Challenge


With so much going on in the news about people tearing each other down for their differences, I thought I would try to take our eyes off of it and hopefully takeover social media with a new challenge meant to empower women of all races, ages, views, and backgrounds. Let's first start with the name of the challenge. I looked through many words and found that pure beauty best describe what women capture through their appearances yet tend to lose sight of. First let me give you the definition of pure...



  • not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material.

  • without any extraneous and unnecessary elements.

  • free of any contamination.

So by reading this definition I knew that this powerful word would have to be in the title, for our beauty does not need coverage. Whether that means covering up your face with makeup products or something deeper as to trying to hide your beautiful personality within. I am in no means saying wearing makeup is wrong, but hiding yourself under it because you are not satisfied with yourself is. That is an issue all women face at some point. We all do it, some without even noticing. You walk into the bathroom in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror, and many of us immediately think ,"Wow, I need to put on some makeup." Good job you just crushed your self-esteem first thing in the morning. Or maybe you see someone and the occasional, "I wish I were like them" notion pops up and then you try to take some of their mores. Don't worry I do it too which is why I'm writing this and hoping to start a new trend. I want every women to wake up in the morning and repeat these 5 things to themselves in the mirror daily to boost their self-confidence, and start their days off with the right mindset regarding their pure beauty.

  1. I am Beautiful

  2. I am Well Made

  3. I am Resilient

  4. I am Confounding

  5. I Love Myself

Now let's dig into why I chose these certain words because there is so much meaning within each one. I will start be again stating the definition and then further explaining the deeper connotation.



  • pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.

  • of a very high standard; excellent.

We should think of ourselves as highly as possible. The harder we push this idea that we are all beautiful, the more our insecurities fall away. But the word beauty does not only involve looks. Why don't you take another look at that second definition. You hold a high level of quality within, and that is what defines you the most. Instead of looking at someone and thinking, "they are so beautiful", we need to start saying to ourselves, "they are beautiful in their own way and so am I."

Well Made


  • strongly or skillfully constructed.

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

Yes ma'am, now read that over and over again...put it in your bio...put it on your wall...remember this!! You were made by God and for God, WONDERFULLY made and SKILLFULLY constructed by our God. You are so unique and lovely as well as strong and mighty. God makes no mistakes, only masterpieces, and darling, that is what you are.



  • (of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.

  • (of a substance or object) able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed.

Wow, what a powerful word. Aren't we all so resilient. What have you gone through? What have you recovered from? Came back from? We are so much more resilient than we know and I want ya'll to see how much you have overcame!! That is amazing, and it should make you feel so confident in yourself. You can do anything!!



  • cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by acting against their expectations.

  • mix up (something) with something else so that the individual elements become difficult to distinguish.

The thing with this word is that it can go two ways and it's up to you to determine which one you will be. It's easy to take on the second definition and be transformed into what the world wants you to be, but I want us to focus on the first definition. I want to surprise everyone around us by not be like everyone else. Take on your own personality. Who are you really? Don't let the world define your as something you are not. Just be you!



  • an intense feeling of deep affection.

  • a great interest and pleasure in something.

What a simple word with such a deep interpretation. And why is it so hard for us to actually love ourselves? I think that what we see on social media ha a big impact on that. When we post, we show, for the most part, only the good things. When scrolling on social media we only see perfect pictures and perfect lives, never the behind the scenes craziness. We need to understand that no one is as perfect as they seem and stop comparing our looks or lives to theirs! This might make it easier to love ourselves and be okay with who we are. The big reason as to why you need to love and put yourself first is so you can have a better quality of life. You will be able to live a better life knowing that you have your own back.

So finally after reading this I encourage you to uplift yourself and the women around you by posting a picture of yourself on your story, no makeup, no filter, and type these 5 phrases out.

  1. I am Beautiful

  2. I am Well Made

  3. I am Resilient

  4. I am Confounding

  5. I Love Myself

Tag and challenge your friends to do the same with the #purebeauty. I will start it on my instagram but if your reading this feel free to start your own chain! I want to reach and empower as many women as possible!

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